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Aquarius Astrology 2023

Happy Birthday Fellow Aquarians

Aquarius is a fixed air sign and natives are steadfast in their principles and personality. In modern astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus (Great awakener, innovation, changes). In ancient astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Saturn (structures, discipline, father). I stick to modern. Air and water (thought and emotions) are Aquarius’s domains. Connect to your psyche and learn to understand your motives, and you will align with your higher self. You can unwind from the past year(s) and reset. The energy is lighter leaving you feeling optimistic. The air sign is a refreshing change for new ideas to flow. Let’s explore more.


January 20 – Sun Enters Aquarius

January 21 – New Moon in Aquarius

January 23 – Uranus Goes Direct

January 26 – Venus Enters Pisces

Feb 4 – Sun Square Uranus

Feb 5 – Leo Full Moon

Feb 10 – Mercury Conjunct Pluto


Aquarians are often referenced as aloof, emotionally detached, and stubborn. However, they carry all their unrest neatly and discreetly. This water bearer is the vessel for your emotions and the air element connects to other realms. They are introspective overthinkers with pioneering ideas. They crave inspiration and to inspire, rethinking and reimagining the status quo. They usually crave individualism, and want to be part of something great! The friendly sign’s superpower is discernment and loyalty. They need meaningful connections, quality over quantity. People with strong Aquarius or Uranus placement in their natal (birth) charts have a unique perspective on life.

Remember, you are more than you sun sign. You are the total sum of your natal chart.

Astrology is an Aquarius tool!

Jan 20 – Sun Enters Aquarius

As the Sun travels through Aquarius, it will make conjunctions with Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. Mercury rules communication and the mind. Venus is your likes/dislikes, art, and beauty. Saturn is the karmic time keeper who helps you mature and reveals your fears. Understand your fears and you can manage them. Gently recognise if any negative chatter hindering your progress. Fears helps us evolve and understand our personal limitations. Heal what doesn’t serve you, build confidence and trust your intuition.

This inspiring time can help you analyse your life and desired outcomes. Work through any stuckness and remember the invaluable lessons you’ve learnt from the past. Strategic planning can help you minimize oversights and stay on track with your goals. You can find steadiness in your endeavours.

January 21 – New Moon In Aquarius

The Aquarius New Moon (1°) can transcend the past and bring in new opportunities for growth and expansion. The new Moon of the new year is auspicious and filled with hope so plant your seeds. Breathwork can help you harmonise any anxieties and release troublesome emotions.

Jan 23- Uranus Goes Direct

Uranus goes direct in Taurus (14°) and there are no more planets in retrograde, the energy isn’t pulling you back to rethink your previous plans. The release can be felt on the collective level. Take time to recalibrate after a period of reinventing yourself.

Feb 5 – Leo Full Moon

Leo is ruled by the Sun and opposite Aquarius. The Sun is your soul, conscious ego, and your creative resources. Leo is egocentric, daring, and generous. The Moon is your emotional personality (unconscious, subjective). Full Moons bring things to light: You’ve not previously missed or was unable to face. Whatever you wish to do or whomever you aspire to become, this powerful illumination will show you bold new ways to connect with your creative side. Your Leo house cusp will indicate which area of your life this Full Moon will impact.

The Vibes

Aquarius season is uplifting and energising. You may reassess and revive old projects, and/or explore your soul’s aspirations. Your need to find people with similar interests, may be heightened. You should be feeling optimistic and less constrained. Follow your heart and soul!

Faith and boldness are good words for 2023. Believe in yourself. Aquarius teaches you not to be afraid of your genius, embrace your quirks and uniqueness, they are your gifts!


Until next time.

Sending Love,


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