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Capricorn Monthly Horoscope 2022

This year has been about building a strong inner foundation by examining personal psychology and understanding embedded commands, from early developmental years. If you actively embarked on your self-growth journey, you will no doubt reap benefits in the new year. Capricorn season is an active season of reflecting and consciously releasing mental anguish. The month can continue bringing agitation as the planets move around us. What does this mean for you? Let’s explore the dawn of winter.

Look at your natal chart to understand all the astrology aspects and which area of your life is being impacted by the planets.

December 20 – Jupiter Enters Aries

Nothing is going to get in your way!! You are ready to work for the object of your desires. Fight for what you want. Aries’s impatient childlike nonsense and determination accompanied by Jupiter’s luck can generate a positive outlook. Be careful of zealous ignorance! Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and conflict. Unresolved inner conflicts create much of your external unhappiness such as frustration in your job, career, relationships, family, etc. Mars is currently retrograde in Gemini. Having some strategies in place is a measure of maturity and temper any recklessness. Read Aries in Jupiter’s blog.

December 21 - Sun Enters Capricorn

This officially marks winter solstice in the northern hemisphere and summer solstice in the southern hemisphere, sunny days, lucky sods! These cycles help us celebrate a year of life and reflect on all our trials and tribulations. It is important to acknowledge the positive lessons you have learnt and assimilated. Take credit for finding strength through the tough times and your ability to forge forward. Revel in your achievements, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. Success is many things and not limited to monetary gains. Wealth should also come with a moral compass! Discipline, dedication, and hard work should be recognized. Capricorn is represented by the spiritual goat and should be your barometer for holistic growth, as you continue your journey toward your desired goals in this lifetime.

On the same day, the moon in Sagittarius will be making an opposition to Mars RX (retrograde) in Gemini (16°) and caution is warranted as your emotions can be agitated. Your wounds can wound others and a liberal mouthful can be hurtful. This potent personal aspect should be taken seriously. Whatever emotions or situations arise at this time need thorough attention and mending. On the flip side, you may feel ready to express your passions, your desires and feel very creative. There is a balance between being free to express yourself and finding balance within that freedom.

December 23 – New moon square Jupiter

The Capricorn (1°) new moon is square Jupiter in Aries (1°). You are ready to move mountains, conquer the mountain, and maybe feed some goats along the way. This is a great time to shift your mindset from lack to lucky. But will you dare to delve into the unconscious and subconscious nooks of your mind? Any feelings of inadequacy should be nurtured and not buried. Cardinal squares create tension, and reactions, and cause you to act in life, they are visceral and allow you to move through life more swiftly.

What have you discovered and healed?

Have you felt tested in some area of your life that needs healing?
Are you interested in studying an area of the healing arts?

Now, Chiron in Aries is direct, you should feel a release of energy that has been beating down on your heart and mind. You have space to assess your life of Chiron’s impact on your life. Chiron will remain in Aries until 14th of April 2027. Your wounds can become your greatest gifts. I always thank you my teachers, even the hardest lessons through the worst mistreatment.

December 29 until Jan 18, 2023 – Mercury retrograde in Capricorn

Everyone glitches at the mention of Mercury retrograde. I feel it needs a PR campaign to revamp its image. With Mercury RX in Capricorn (24°- 21°) in the holiday season, the timing couldn’t be more perfect. Retrogrades are a great time for personal reflection and slowing down. You polish and perfect. You understand what isn’t working despite all your best efforts. And with maturity, you can find compassion and forgiveness for the past. You can look forward to better days, knowing you will not repeat the hardships again because you learnt the invaluable lessons.

The Vibes

Overall, the energy is ripe for projects, moving up the ladders of success to accomplish anything your heart desires. Capricorn season is about being intentional, setting attainable, realistic goals and going for your dreams. Pay attention to the parts that procrastinate, make excuses, and freeze. They need handholding and resolving. Don’t take your past sufferings into your future. They aren’t serving you.


Even though your struggles cause pain in the present, there is nothing more rewarding than when you release them. Sometimes you feel lost and want to give up. Go back to the familiar. A nudge keeps you moving forward. Don’t lose sight of your soul’s mission. Don’t forget to rest and nurture your body, mind, and soul.

Write down your goals for 2023.

Next blog, I’ll give you 3 Important Tips for Achieving Your Goals

Sending love,


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Much Love,
