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Chiron and North Node in Aries Conjunction

On Friday 19 February, I am so confused about which way to write dates having lived in the USA for so long and now back in the UK. Wouldn't it be great if everything was universal‽

That is another blog, let's chat about the Chiron and Aries North Node (16°) conjunction happening on February 19th. You may have already started feeling this aspect’s forces impacting your life. Opposite the North Node is always the South node and opposite Aries is Libra. These two represent the self and others. They are your moral compass; the impact others have on you and vice versa. Human interaction creates karma, connection, friction, love, hate, and judgment. It is through these interactions that you learn about yourselves and develop healthy boundaries or not. The last time that the lunar nodes were in Aries/Libra was December 2004 – June 2006. Was there anything happening that was uncleared at this time? Were there any events that shaped your life? What changes did you experience?


In October 2004, I got a new job, bought a house, and moved to Atlanta, GA. In October 2005, I met my now X boyfriend, shortly after, I lost my job, and in 2006, I moved to California with the boyfriend. I went through big career shifts, delving into healing arts, tarot readings, and was learning to live life in new ways, similar to now.


Read the full blog on Aries and Libra nodes


Chiron completes one orbit around the sun in approximately 50 years. It is associated with the healing arts, self-care, and self-preservation. By accepting and discovering oneself and learning through challenges, you identify your strengths, weaknesses, and gifts.


What to expect

This conjunction is helping you heal in various ways, especially the inner child, identity, and your interactions in relationships. To understand how it is personally assisting you, find your Aries house cusp and read the summarises below. Depending on your current spiritual path and level of healing, your experience of this healing event may vary.

The North Node brings fated opportunities for growth and resolution. While Chiron has a heavy emphasis on healing, Aries reminds you to connect to your innocence and reclaim your playfulness. In the Northern Hemisphere, Aries marks the beginning of Spring and new beginnings where everything blooms. In the Southern Hemisphere, Libra season begins and autumn, a reminder to find balance and make peace with others and self.

First House - Self and Inner Child

With Libra in your seventh house of relationships, you are discovering more about yourself by observing yourself in relationships. You may reflect on your past experiences with parents, caregivers, friends, and lovers, among others and their imprint on your developing mind. It is important to focus on the positive aspects of yourself and the great teachers in your life. If negativity arises, try to be kind, observe the situation without judgment, and find the positive lessons from past experiences. Instead of dwelling on the negative, reframe it in a positive light. For example, if an event made you less trusting of others, it also made you stronger and more aware of who is healthy for you and who is not. It is not necessary to label people but recognizing that you need to protect yourself is an important evolutionary step to developing your intuitive muscles.

Finding positive meaning even in adverse situations can release negative charges. The human mind cannot process atrocities; this is when our brains alert us to danger and present an opportunity for change and awakening.

Second House - Material Possession and Values

What you value you keep, right?
What you do not love, you discard, correct? 

The second house is also how you earn money and self-worth. It is possible that you are currently dealing with unresolved unconscious issues related to self-worth, earnings, and independence.

Inevitably we attract what we know and family archetypes.
For example, if you had a critical mother or a passive father, you will magnetise to similar people. Your soul carries the ancestral imprint through the body, psyche, and DNA. UNTIL, you say, wait a minute, I am having experiences I DO NOT want and DO NOT match ME. You awaken to the negative vibration. Does not mean the people are bad but you are NOT mutual on some level(s).

Third House - Communication and Surroundings

This is another self-expression house associated with education and language. As you explore your world, you may find yourself seeking knowledge and inspiration to challenge the status quo. Opportunities to move or broaden your horizons could bring you joy.

Fourth House - Roots and Systemic

Who are you and where have you come from is hidden in the bottom part of the bottom of the natal chart. It takes great effort to understand yourself and separate from the herd (family, culture, traditions, etc). Why do salmon swim upstream? DNA, programming and because every salmon is doing it for survival. That dirty word, “survival”!! In a nutshell, we are all surviving this brutal and beautiful world. A nano bug can kill us, we are that vulnerable! You are equipped to heal the ancestral baggage and become who you want to become. Self-acceptance and unconditional love go a long way. You may also feel the need to move or redirect your home and work life.


Fifth House - Courage, Self-Expression, Children

You are likely to find your greatest growth opportunities by taking bold and courageous actions that allow you to express your true self. This event can help you to develop your sense of individuality and creativity, allowing you to overcome any wounds that may have prevented you from being the leader in your life. Even if fear pops up, this energy can help you take bold steps towards fulfilment!


Sixth House - Healing and Serving

Ask yourself, who are you serving and why? This is another house connected to work and serving others. If you are unhappy with your current job, you may want to explore new opportunities. You could be healing the body or learning about the healing arts. This is also the house of perfection and research.


Seventh House - Relationships/Agreements and Justice

Law or Lawless is the question. This is a deeply transformative time where you let the child heal and the adult emerge, if you dare to grow out of your childhood wounds. There could be an inner struggle to find independence, find your moral compass and find yourself at the soul level. This house is more than love relationships. It is also about appreciating the beauty of each new day - the sunrise, the sunset - and embracing the opportunities to learn more about yourself through your connections to self and others. The goal is to find balance.


Eighth House - Transformations and Karma

What you sow, you reap!
Opportunities for deeply karmic healing are at your doorstep and it could be time to face yourself and others, even if fear is near. This house beckons you to unmask your sorrows and change them into clean living. Cultivate healthy thoughts, happy feelings, and living in gratitude! You may have opportunities to explore expansion in money matters but be careful not to create ballooned debt.


Ninth House - Foreign Matters and Beliefs

Often beliefs are implanted in childhood by adults from teachings, religion, cultures, etc. This particular period represents a chance to develop your own beliefs and discard those that do not align with your values. You may feel inclined to travel or pursue higher education.

Tenth House - Public Persona and Career

This is the third house of career and money. If you are looking for advancement or a new direction, explore your options, you could be lucky in reaching new heights. If you do not want to attract the same kind of energy, examine your current unhappiness and grievances and work towards releasing unfavourable situations and people. Cultivate a healthy work/home balance. It can be lonely at the top, hold onto the positive values and people that ground you.


Eleventh House - Dreams and Community

Follow your dreams and do not hold back.
This is a transformative time for your social and community life. By moving within new circles, you could create growth opportunities and stumble upon new interests and causes that align with your values and beliefs. Honour your individuality and create healthy bonds and boundaries. Do not be shy!


Twelfth House – Transcendentalism

You may find retreats rejuvenating and necessary to reset your energy and soul. It is time to learn how to find a balance between taking care of yourself and overly exerting your energy towards taking care of others, trusting your instincts, and embracing your natural creative genius.

You are here to live a joyful life. Reset, break away from past traumas.

Sending lots of love,
