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Gemini Season 2023

Big planetary movements are already making us rethink our lives, right? Good news, after a very active Taurus season with two eclipses and numerous planetary movements, Gemini season has fewer intense aspects occurring, giving you time to recover, regroup, and plan your next moves. A mutable T-square will have you debating options that bring important transformations to an end leading to new beginnings and otherwise, unimaginable changes in some areas of your life. Making decisions may be challenging due to Gemini’s dualistic nature. However, sticking to facts can simplify your life and reduce stress and anxiety. It is time to eliminate clutter and distractions, and stay focused on what makes the most sense and brings you optimal joy! Simple!

Important Dates For Gemini Season 2023

May 20 - Mars Enters Leo

May 21 – June 20 - Sun Enters Gemini

May 20 to 25 – Jupiter Squares Mars

May 27 – Mutable T-Square

May 29 to June 3 – Jupiter conjuncts North Node

June 5 to Sept 4 – Venus enters Leo

June 5 – Venus Opposite Pluto

June 8 – Venus squares North Node

June 11 - Venus squares Jupiter


Gemini is the information junkie and iconoclast. This mutable air sign is ruled by Mercury, the messenger. Gemini has a thirst for knowledge and a capacity to hold large amounts of data. They are curious and treasure facts, over blind belief, that is their opposition, Sagittarius’s domain.

A grounded, highly intellectual, and compassionate Gemini can be an excellent teacher or public speaker. With an enthusiasm to lead and a bubbly personality, they freely share their knowledge with others.

The shadow part of Gemini is unpredictable and irritable, especially when they feel unheard and insignificant. Dominating the conversation, Gemini may find filtering their thoughts difficult, vocalising their opinions with insensitivity, and creating awkwardness.

May 21 to June 20 Sun Enters Gemini

Even though the Sun has moved into Gemini, the season is dominated by many planets in the fixed sign of Taurus. Take full advantage of this opulent energy to keep building your dreams and healing those pesky insecurities. In the house of communication, expressing your wants, exploring new ideas and sharing your findings with others is easier. With Spring in full bloom, the desire to have fun in the sun could be great for your overall health. At times you may feel foggy and uncertain of your next moves. It is essential to know what you want and discard everything that is cluttering your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual space.

May 20 to 25 – Jupiter Squares Mars

Jupiter in Taurus (4°) squares Mars in Leo (4°), depending on your sensibilities and the situation you find yourself in, this aspect could lead you to fiercely pursue your dreams or agitate feelings of lack and defeat. There is ample vitality and enthusiasm to manifest the themes of your Taurus and Leo house cusps. You must use diplomacy and tame foolishness!

May 27 – Mutable T-Square

This mutable T-square is at (6°) with Saturn (disciplinary, rewards) in Pisces (Spirituality, institutes) opposing the Moon (nurture) in Virgo (perfectionist), and both planets, square Sun (ego) in Gemini (Knowledge). Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are flexible and adapt quickly to changes. However, their restless indecisiveness repeatedly mulls over options before finalizing their plans which can be frustrating. The polar opposite personalities of these zodiac signs, experiment and experience life in very different ways.

This aspect may have you labouring over some fundamental lifestyle choices that affect your security, wealth, or health. By the end of Spring, you should begin to feel sure about your future plans and answers will come easier if you are grounded and present.

May 29 to June 3 – Jupiter conjuncts North Node

Jupiter conjuncts the North Node in Taurus (3°). This aspect should bring some interesting opportunities to clear karma and break you free from mental anguish. Your life could be heading in a whole new direction in life that you weren’t expecting. Feeling inspired by Jupiter in Taurus’s panache to build inner and outer wealth, you are ready to take the bull by the horns!

This season could be a pivotal point in your life.

June 5 to Sept 4 – Venus Enters Leo

When you want to know about love and money, you follow Venus’s hot trail around the Sun. Venus rules Taurus and Libra, governing your basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter to unconditional love and acceptance.

Venus in Leo has a strong personality filled with boldness and confidence. The sign of creativity and egoism adores a gorgeous partner who loves them without questioning their authority.

Due to Venus’s retrograde in Leo, from July 22 to September 3, Venus will spend an unusually long time in one sign. The planet will make notable noise in the fiery fixed sign, igniting passions and opening up creative blocks. You may feel irritated and urged to resolve foundational relationship problems or concerns in existing relationships. I will write a more detailed blog about this sizzling astrology move.

The Vibes

Channelling this blog had me feeling perplexed and uneasy. I could blame menopause, but I’ve been channelling for a long time, and get a sense of the subtle seasonal changes. Gemini season is about clearing absurdity and getting clear about your goals. It is time to face any feelings of emptiness that avoids real intimacy because you are not addressing your core conditioning.

Gemini is the sign of communication and how you process information. You draw conclusions about the self from external influencers including what you learn from media (books, news, school, etc). These authorities can unconsciously sway your thoughts and feelings using powerful linguistics that you categorize as good or bad. Like a doctor who tells you orange juice is great Vitamin C, but the next year announces oranges cause brittle bones.

To find inner peace, you will need to shuffle through disparaging thoughts and feelings from your past and express your needs with openness and maturity. It is time to clear out any clutter from your mind and heart. Minimalistic living can be very freeing on many levels so don’t be afraid to do your final Spring cleaning. As you enter the Summer season, you should begin to feel renewed and optimistic about your future.

Sending Love,
