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Goal Setting for The Holidays

Are you setting any objectives for 2023? If so, keep reading, I will give you tips on how to achieve your goals. People like to make new year resolutions. I love how astrology syncs up with the collective mind. Is it a coincidence that new year falls in Capricorn season? Capricorn people can be focused and determined with an ambitious drive to succeed and enjoy accolades for their achievements. The sign associated with the mountain goat and sea goat. Goats climb mountains and are tough animals often used to do hard work and natural field workers. The sea goat presents your journey to self-realisation. Elon Musk vs Dalai Lama. Both seeking to be triumphant in different ways. Capricorn is the pragmatic leader, born ready to climb the mountain of attainment. The goal orientated season is ripe to let you into the mile high club with other entrepreneurs and career focused individuals. Scrupulous conduct will not sit well with the sea goat’s spiritual motivations.

How to Achieve Your Goals

The mind loves a challenge! It is designed to continue improving the self. High achievers don’t quit even when they are faced with hardships, they learn from their experiences, and they adjust. Most start out driven to achieve their goals. The difficulty isn’t setting yourself an assignment to complete. The challenge is starting the actual journey! The road travelled is a vital part of reaching your target. Often, the unfamiliarity can activate many emotions before you even begin your goal. I know, I do this when I don’t know where to start or how to start.

Is this you?

  • Do you talk yourself out of doing your desired projects?

  • Do you distract yourself by doing other tasks instead of the goal you’ve set?

  • Do you feel guilty for ditching your goals?

Engage your logical mind to help you through your emotional blocks and mental anguishes. The task driven part of your mind will help you compute, assess, organize, and write out structures you can use to finish your goals easier. Use your instincts to weed out unnecessary steps. There are many studies that show we are neither more left sided nor right sided, we all use our brains differently.

3 Important Tips for Achieving Your Goals!

The below exercise is a step by step guide to help you achieve your personal or professional goals.

Pick a goal you’d like to achieve.

1.       Know your goal. Be clear! Write it down or do a vision board.

2.       Have a plan. Create a step by step timeline/outline to reduce overwhelm and layout a plan you can follow.

3.       Actively notice blocks and fears. What emotions are you feeling as you write out your future outcomes? Underline any negative keywords.

Keep reading to continue the exercise….

How to Manage your Fears and Procrastination

Below is an example of a client’s goal.

“I want a partner who loves me and sees me and accepts me for who I am. I don’t want to be alone anymore. I never feel I belong anywhere. I always meet people who make me feel I am not good enough and don’t include me fully in their life. I need and love my own space, but I am always going through life on my own. Why? I’ve worked on myself so much! I am tired of being alone. I don’t know if I will ever meet someone who loves me.”

Did you catch the negative language despite the client’s desire to be in a partnership? Do you see the deeper wound? The client attracts and is attracted to people who amplify their deepest rejection. A belief formed in early childhood. The client has embedded this pain and relives the hurt. The deep wound is solidified by their experiences and their self-talk. They feel the way they are telling themselves to feel! This distortion is embedded in the client’s mind and needs healing at the root.

Here, are the negative keywords.

“I want a partner who loves me and sees me and accepts me for who I am. I don’t want to be alone anymore. I never feel I belong anywhere. I always meet people who make me feel I am not good enough and don’t include me fully in their life. I need and love my own space, but I am always going through life on my own. Why? I’ve worked on myself so much! I am tired of being alone. I don’t know if I will ever meet someone who loves me.”

Help the client reframe their statements with positive words.

Here are some examples of positive reframing. Try some of your own.

  • I want to be in a loving partnership with someone who honours all of me.

  • I want to be/feel included and loved for who I am.

  • I want a partner who adores all of me as I honour all of him.

The Next Step

Can you reverse your unhappy inner thoughts using positive dialect that matches your desires? Are you ready to make these crucial shifts? Transforming your thoughts helps rewire your brain from pessimism to optimism. Your thoughts are followed by actions or inactions.

Any or all of these statements sound familiar?

  • I often talk myself out of doing things.

  • I don’t start things because I am afraid to succeed.

  • My procrastination leads to feeling guilty about my indecisiveness.

  • I want to break some habits don’t know how and cannot.

  • I stay in toxic relationships because they are familiar.

  • I chase a lover or keep thinking about them even though they’ve moved on.

  • I fantasize about my future.

  • I ruminate over your past over and over again.

I get it! I’ve been there!

Throughout the past three decades, I’ve been making magical deep transformations and the healing process is endless. You reach one goal, whether personal or professional and something else comes to test you. The evolving mind wants a new challenge and more! A good example is athletes’ who work harder and harder to set new records. This human need is good and bad. Balance is key to exciting the mind in a healthy way and moving towards desired goals and completing them until satisfied.

I know you can do it! Be conscious to observe your self-talk, actions and reactions. Everything will change in your life when you are ready to make the shifts and not before.

Complete the above exercise for each one of your 2023 goals and observe the impact reframing has on your outlook. Use reframing daily to shift your perspective about anything!

Next blog, Attitude of Gratitude. Following blogs in 2023, I will teach you how to stay on track with achieving your goals and more….

Happy Holidays!

Sending love,


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2023 Astrology reading. Discover invaluable insights for your year ahead and beyond!

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Much Love,
