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Jupiter Enters Taurus

Jupiter is a benevolent planet. Its energy is giving and forgiving, allowing you to access higher consciousness and persevere through adversity. You are the student and teacher, through experimenting, experiencing, and exploring the world, you inevitably discover your outlook on life versus living the expected route encroached on you by outsiders. Jupiter shows you the bigger picture and encourages you to let go of the details. It reminds you that magic happens daily when you trust yourself and are fully immersed in being present. Jupiter is praised for bringing pure luck and bliss into your life, nonetheless, like all living beings you must embrace the dark side of existence. The planet of expansion can lead to many advancements and extravagance! Taurus is aligned with Jupiter and loves art, beauty, nature and love! Uranus remains in Taurus and coupling Jupiter will bring unexpected shifts. Will this synergy bring positive vibes or unruliness into your life? Read the full forecast including a personal guide to Jupiter in Taurus.

Important Dates

May 16 to 20, 2023 – Jupiter Squares Pluto

May 20, 2023 – Fixed T-Square - Jupiter Squares Pluto & Mars

September 04 – Jupiter Goes Retrograde

December 30 – Jupiter Goes Direct

April 16 – 20 – Jupiter Conjunct Uranus

May 25, 2024 – Jupiter Enters Gemini

Every astrology cycle, you discover new perspectives and develop new talents and skills. By embracing the lessons and opportunities presented by planetary movements, you can cultivate personal, professional, and spiritual growth, leading you to more fulfilling life experiences.

May 16, 2023, to May 25, 2024 - Jupiter enters Taurus

Jupiter will lend its generous aura to Taurus for a full year. Both adore fun times, prosperity, and grandeur. That being said, back in 2016, I predicted a few major events that have come true, from social media troubles, Trump supporters not backing down, and more. For some years, I’ve had visions of another global financial crisis and prewarned clients of the inevitable fall of financial institutions. Jupiter in Taurus can make millionaires and bankrupt others because Jupiter is the good-time planet that loves life and forgets about consequences!

In astrology, Jupiter rules the ninth house. This house teaches you ethics, religion, higher education, foreign cultures and travel. It is acquired knowledge outside of your cultural background and childhood. Jupiter encourages you to go on a worldwide expedition and broaden your horizons. You might adopt philosophies that feel closer to your truth and unfollow ancestral ideologies.

Jupiter Negative Traits

Be mindful of Jupiter’s unhealthy habits and characteristics such as indulgence and laziness! Your morals and insecurities might be tested, be aware of being a blind disciple of inflexible principles. Misusing Jupiter’s power can reign, and rain, hardships and chaos! A wasteful unproductive plan is a missed opportunity to use Jupiter’s positive personality to propel you forward! You can play the lottery but you can’t bank on winning. Luck is nebulous!

Jupiter Return

If you have natal Jupiter in Taurus, you will have your Jupiter return. Jupiter returns to the exact point at the time of your birth, thus marking a new twelve year cycle.

Jupiter Ruling Planet

If you are a Sagittarius rising (first or ascendant) like myself, Jupiter is your ruling planet (chart ruler). I really do embody Jupiter and Sagittarius, I am a spicy minx! I am a restless soul who seeks adventures and freedom is my top value! If Jupiter is your ruling planet, it increases your understanding and expertise of the themes associated with the house it visits. This will help you focus on a particular area of life and give you direction in your life.

Astrology helped me find invaluable answers to my misery, perpetrators, and life lessons. Suicidal, despondent, and destroyed by my suppressive culture, and abusive pressure to be the perfect obliging cliché shattered my fiery fearless creative spirit. Once full of life and keen to achieve my life goals, I was riddled with doubt and fear and shame from many traumas. Not following my ruling planet created many dis-eases in my body, mind and soul.

In 2019, Jupiter was transiting my Sagittarius first house (self), and it helped me restore faith in myself. I followed the planet’s counsel and took a giant leap of faith that landed me back in Europe. This move released me from the abusive and oppressive grips that once kept me captive and feeling shame and guilt that would never heal if I stayed in the USA.

In 2020, Jupiter was transiting my Capricorn second house (values) and made conjunctions to my natal North Node (life direction), Venus (love and money), and Jupiter (dogma and self-discovery). I was living in London and finally, after 30 years of feeling lost, everything felt right. I met my cosmic love and instantly knew he’d been calling me back home all these decades. I did enormous self-worth healing.

Since Jupiter is my ruling planet, over the years, my spiritual journey has taught me many worthy lessons that I impart to my clients. I’ve asked is there a God? Is there divine, earth or universal timing? You may inquire about these existential questions to find answers to the bigger questions. Where am I heading? What is my purpose? How do I reach my desired goals? Our minds are curious to explore things that are outside our normal purview.

I’ve concluded that I am the universe and “God” is within me. My daily practice is to better myself, which leads me to further understand my evolutionary road, the world and my place in it. I intrinsically understand the most potent resources you need to wish your dreams into existence are your readiness, willingness, and self-belief! Until you reach this point within your being, you will struggle to reach your goals. You will send mixed signals out into the universe (you) and will attract not what your heart and soul’s desire, but the opposite. Life is a beautiful adventure and greatness is achieved by uncovering your ethos, and owning your power, not relinquishing it to any powers outside of your body, mind, and soul.

Taurus Traits

Taurus is ruled by Venus and the bull is Taurus’s totem animal. Venus is the director of your values including self-worth, love, and possessions. These grounded nature lovers are dedicated to working smart and hard. They want to build a solid foundation and complete gratifying long-term goals. Expect them to humour you with their mischievous quick wit and brutal truth, it is all part of their charm. Their fixed temperament makes them consistent, but they find it harder to make sudden changes when it comes to personal or professional growth.

Jupiter in Taurus

These two have similar values, they see the bigger picture and aim to possess life’s luxuries and persevere to attain their desired trinkets and loves. Jupiter in Taurus is focused, teaching you that good things come to those who do things with integrity and value the time and effort it takes to reach the finale.

Jupiter is a great teacher, and in Taurus, you will be supported to re-evaluate your relationship ideals and make you aware of misplaced judgments of self and others. You will learn how to restore faith in your convictions and develop a healthy outlook for a brighter future and fulfilling life.

Jupiter will be in Taurus for a whole year, giving you ample time to prosper and fulfil your dreams. Jupiter will meet Uranus, the great awakener. The planets will shake up your life, all with the aim to change the status quo and ascend you towards your soul’s mission.

As predicted, we could face a financial downturn from 2024 to 2028. Some control is needed with Jupiter’s jolly disposition. You will learn plenty of valuable lessons from these two energies. To flourish, simply be meticulous and smart when planning your goals, take pride and be honest in your dealings with others.

Jupiter will bring an endearing playfulness and light temperament to stubborn and sometimes insolent Taurus. With a healthy dose of zest, you should find your enthusiasm for life renewed and focus to get on with your goals, and less stressed about global issues.

Find your Taurus house cusp and bookmark the below guide. Read which area of your life Jupiter will bring its luck.

The Vibes

Overall, these two are exuberant and strive to live a good life. Practice gratitude. Balance, Balance, Balance is the key to ensuring you don’t fall into any financial or existential crisis. They are both adventurous and widen your prospects in life and offer you the world as your playground. They don’t do things half-heartedly and love the thrill to attain their desired objects. Only Taurus isn’t frivolous in its pursuit of happiness, like Jupiter.

Jupiter does help you heal self-image problems and curb your negative inner dialogues to find self-love. Finding this pertinent internal happiness can reassure you that life is on the up!

Sending Love,


Work With Me

Book an astrology reading to find out exactly which area of your life the eclipses will impact.

Much Love,
