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Lunar Eclipse & Mental Health

On May 5, 2023, the next eclipse will be in Scorpio (14). This lunar eclipse amplifies the intensity of the Scorpio South Node. For the past 15 months, the Taurus-Scorpio lunar nodes have had us grappling with fundamental worries connected to self-worth, intimacy, and financial matters. The play between tangible and intangible wealth has been churning your soul to deeply question life. Scorpio is deeply connected to our psychology and Pluto the planet of transformations.

Lunar eclipses bring unconscious emotions to the surface to examine and heal. While eclipses are uncomfortable, their potency shows you significant emotional imbalances to clear, and live a less distressing life.

If you dare to drop your guard and sit with the naked truths, this illumination can bring enlightenment and enrich you with wisdom that moves you away from stagnant situations. You may have been feeling the eclipse already. I know I have. My feelings of instability rocked my foundation and kicked up old wounds where I felt unsupported, and possibly face homelessness again! After some transformative work, I discovered many emotions connected to these insecurities I picked up from my mother before birth! Now, I feel charged up and reconnected to my light and power. 

Your Scorpio house cusp will show you which area of your life this powerful lunar eclipse will be transforming. Read full blog on Eclipse Season 2023.

As you become more conscientious and conscious, the world begins to feel, look, and sound vastly different! The noise of the collective cries can be deafening and upsetting to handle. Forces that are beyond your control can weigh you down into feeling hopeless and helpless. I coach people to stay in their lanes! Filtering the world’s despairs to a minimum can reduce the impact of global insecurities in your own life. You can change any limiting beliefs about being abundant. You possess the intelligence to mix with inspiring people or cynical folks who bring you down. If you are feeling stuck, unhappy, or unhealthy in your body, mind, or spirit, find solutions that nurse your trapped emotions.

Did you know most of your thoughts are so ingrained you unconsciously use them daily and they attract the opposite of what you desire? The repertoire of your disparaging internal dialogue causes feelings of exhaustion and disables you from experiencing the beauty and exhilaration of life. This heaviness stops you from being fully present and being yourself because you have been trained to be fearful and undeserving of the riches that life offers.

I had been trodden on my whole life unable to emerge and fully find success in any area of my life. Since I’ve left the grips of the devil’s hands around my throat, I’ve found inner peace and happiness that is congruent with my lifestyle choices, values, and personality. Living authentically is a lifelong journey because we are constantly changing. However, when you intrinsically know your values, you will never allow others to interfere with your equilibrium.

What do you need to not do to create the life you want? How are you not fulfilling your purpose? When will you start creating the life you desire? When will you stop being who you don’t want to be and be the person you want to be?

In coaching sessions, I work with you to uncover deep-rooted commands that prevent you from finding happiness and keep you blocked with fear and procrastinating over choices. You will repair habitual unconscious language that prepared you to enter the world with overpowering feelings of inadequacies. Once you start censoring your conflicting restrictions, you will start feeling whole and optimistic about life.

I will teach you how to integrate your whole soul, which includes incorporating your natal (birth) and Human Design chart. These two systems indicate your point of evolution in this lifetime, if you will, the springboard to jump off and leap into your greatness.

We weren’t born with deeply embedded commands of positives and negatives. We are light beings filled with powerful abilities to share the experience of being unconditionally loved and accepted. Our experiences have taken us far away from our natural state of love.

If you are ready to understand yourself better, feel whole, heal your past and attain happiness, coaching with me is going to give you a sturdy foundation to go from surviving to thriving!

Unlike conventional talk therapy, which takes decades to heal even one emotional block, coaching with me covers a great deal in only a few sessions and yields lasting results quickly!

Below is the link to start your healing journey and ditch feeling fearful, unworthy, and unfulfilled!

We can work on any area of your life you want to find love and acceptance.

6 X 90 minute sessions = $888
Set up payments or make full payment

Sessions are online via Zoom, Skype.

Message me if you have questions.