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Pisces Horoscope 2023

Happy birthday Pisceans!

This season is astronomically big with Saturn entering Pisces. Pisces is ruled by Neptune which entered Pisces on April 4, 2011, and will leave January 27, 2026. Pisces churns your emotions and connects you to your heart and soul. Pisces are sensitive intuitive souls prone to compulsiveness and emotional variabilities. The last weeks of winter can be filled with excitement, anxiety, and a need for new ventures. This season primarily comprises of Aries, Pisces and some activity in Taurus and Gemini. Let’s explore the ebbs and flows.

Pisces 2023 Important Dates


February 19 – Sun Enters Pisces

February 20 – New Moon in Pisces & Venus Enters Aries

February 25 to March 15 – Jupiter & Venus Conjunct Chiron

March 7 – Saturn Enters Pisces & Full Moon in Virgo

March 15 – Sun, Mercury & Neptune Conjunction Squares Mars

My brand of astrology stripped of the heavy mythology and religious overtones and genderless. I see the cosmos as a living, breathing, and flourishing entity that birth’s everything that exists within it including you, me, and the plethora of stars and planets. Each one of us has a soul, pulse, and purpose. I see the planets as our neighbours and beautiful souls and our teachers. Astrology helps us connect to the cosmos, heal our past, understand the present, find connections, and help us head towards our soul’s purpose.


Pisces is a mutable water sign. It is connected to spiritual growth and ascension of the soul. It carries the darkness of human emotions to be transformed into higher learning and teaches you to be kind to all living entities. Pisces are creative beings who need freedom to express their vulnerabilities and want to live in an idealistic world. Who can blame them? If you want to build a euphoric city, hire a Pisces with great vision! Pisces is also connected to escapism and healing. And yes, they are most prone to “bad” habits. Pisces can be ruled by their emotions and find it hard to be objective so you must approach with compassion. This wild dreamer can be very innovative but not always the most practical.

February 19 – Sun Enters Pisces

You can usually feel the change from fixed air sign Aquarius to mutable water sign Pisces. The energy drops you into your heart and out of the chattering mind. You are reminded that life can be so much more than the daily grind. You may feel more passionate about pursuing your creative projects or just want to meditate for days and connect to your higher self. This is a great time to implement self-care and rest. You are more open to your emotions and unhealed wounds may surface. It is a good time to address inner conflicts through soul searching remedies or alternative therapies.

February 20 – New Moon in Pisces & Venus Enters Aries

The New Moon in Pisces (1°) has the ability to take you to new heights, and realms so prepare for magical shifts. New moons mark endings of one cycle and entrance into a new cycle. Time to make peace with the past and shed what is no longer needed. You’ve learnt necessary and invaluable lessons. Now, is a great time to plant new seeds.

Venus in Aries is a flirty and assertive energy. One can chase their desires with intense impulsiveness but beware the fiery energy can burn out fast. Frivolous frolicking is fine as long as no one gets hurt and your playfulness has clear intentions and healthy boundaries. You can use the energy to pursue new adventures with enthusiasm!

February 25 – March 15 – Jupiter and Venus Conjunct Chiron

On March 2 and 3, Venus will make an exact conjunction to Jupiter and Chiron in Aries (12-13°). Venus is your likes and dislikes and connected to your values and desires.

Aries is the child of the zodiac. Aries want to be the leaders and have an insatiable appetite for adventures.

From February 25 to March 15 Jupiter will be within (2 °) orb of Chiron. Chiron is the wounded healer and helps you to resolve past wounds and turn them into your greatest gifts. Since the discovery of Chiron in 1977, alternative healing has become more prevalent and a haven for those interested in spiritual and conscious healing work.

Jupiter is connected to higher learning, foreign matters, and growth, and in astrology dogmatic themes. Jupiter distils your beliefs and helps you expand your horizons through teachings and resources outside of your upbringing.

The powerful synergy between Chiron, Jupiter, and Venus can help you decipher your true desires and values through inner connectedness. You may seek new self-discovery and healing practices to help you maintain balance between the outer and inner world. If you have a spiritual business, you may feel urged to expand it in some new way. Take this time to reconnect to that inner child innocence that is forgiving and playful. This energy opens you up to those existential queries and spark’s your interests in foreign subjects or travelling.

March 7 – Saturn Enters Pisces & Full Moon

The first big event of 2023 is Saturn in Pisces. This synergy is filled with surprising ups and downs. While Pisces is the dreamer and beliefs wholeheartedly that anything you desire can be achieved, Saturn will bring the necessary dose of reality to Piscean’s world. Even though these two are opposites in many ways, you can manifest your unique ideas. You will need to understand both energies while road mapping your inventive ideas. This energy is great for creative endeavours especially in arts and entertainment. Pisces ultimately wants to live in a happy romanticized world. Here, is a full blog on Saturn in Pisces.

The Full Moon in Virgo (16°) will make a trine to Uranus in Taurus (15°). Virgo is the healer and perfectionist. Due to their obsessive nature, they can be very critical of self. Their dedication makes them excellent researchers and highly intelligent people. They just need to take cues from their opposites, Pisces, and go with the flow and chill out. Uranus is a great awakener and freedom fighter. Full moons illuminate unconscious matters for you to handle and make necessary changes in your life for growth. With this aspect, you may seek to liberate yourself from sassiness, internal negative talk, and external influencers that are at odds with you. You may have great epiphanies that move you emotionally. It is a time for personal success to prevail. Let your spirit lead the way!

March 15 – Sun, Mercury & Neptune Conjunction Squares Mars

Sun, Mercury, and Neptune conjunction in Pisces (25°) squares Mars in Gemini (25°). Squares create tension and Mars is already the planet of conflicts and action. Mars crashing the happy conjunction party may bring friction to some area of your life. Find your Pisces and Gemini house cusp on your natal (birth) chart for clues. You may feel compelled to have those heart to heart conversations with self or others. This square off can give insight into what is troubling your spirit so you can process it, release it, and move forward.


The Vibes

Overall, this can be a very productive time to connect to your higher purpose, your creative endeavours, your dreams and make your fantasies reality. Saturn will say “within limits!” With Pisces, you are aware of being in your human suit and feel existential at the same time. Pisces helps you dissolve what is eating away at your spirit. Your senses may feel heightened, and you may desire to express inner thoughts and preferences.

With Saturn in Pisces, this season is ripe for change and historical events can shape humanity. It is an auspicious time to align with your ambitious goals and it is a time for deeper healing work. You have wisdom that comes from using your sharp intuitive gifts, connect to it and it can yield massive results and rewards.

Be responsible in all areas of your life. Adopt mindfulness as much as you possibly can. Love yourself more. Be gentle with yourself and others. Allow whatever needs to be disintegrated fall away for evolution to happen and your soul to continue ascending. Dance a lot and laugh even more! Pisces can be the life of a party so give yourself permission to have some fun.


Sending Love,


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