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Pluto in Aquarius 

From March 23 to June 11, 2023, Pluto will enter Aquarius. Pluto will be dipping in and out of Aquarius from 2023 to 2043. For the next 20 years, its primary home will be in Aquarius! You will get a glimpse of how this fusion will affect your life and the collective consciousness. Pluto’s slow orbit around the Sun enables you to make gradual and significant shifts that help you evolve your psyche. However, will you succumb to the heaviness of Pluto’s underworld and lack the awareness to make the required transformations? Or can you openly move with the new era? How will you decide to walk this epic evolutionary journey? Pluto in Aquarius is a huge buzz for astrology and astronomy lovers! It is one of the biggest movements of this decade. The effects on humanity will take decades to unravel and re-establish. Read to the end for your guide to Pluto in Aquarius.

Important Pluto transit and Retrograde (RX) dates

Mar 23, 2023  - Pluto enters Aquarius

Jun 11, 2023  - Pluto Rx enters Capricorn

Jan 20, 2024  - Pluto enters Aquarius

Sep  1, 2024 - Pluto Rx enters Capricorn

Nov 19, 2024 - Pluto enters Aquarius

Mar  8, 2043 - Pluto enters Pisces

Aug 31, 2043 - Pluto Rx enters Aquarius

Jan 19, 2044 - Pluto enters Pisces

What to expect with Pluto

Pluto rules the fixed water sign, Scorpio. Their synergy is a balance and play between the shadow and brilliance of the human experience. Pluto brings subconscious subtexts to the surface through your karmic encounters such as relationship dynamics, career dilemmas, or ancestral imprints. Through these interactions, various states of mind create unconscious thoughts and feelings about self and others.

Pluto’s regenerative superpower helps you harmonize fragmented parts of yourself. Buried wounds need careful examination and handling with dignity to free you from your past. The intensity doesn’t ease up until you break open, and allow healthier perspectives to emerge. Nothing stays hidden with Pluto so you might as well dig in and do the soul growth work. The Phoenix Rising or the NatRaja are good examples of Pluto.

Brief History of Pluto

In 1915, Pluto was a faint blimp and hunch at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. It was later tracked and discovered by Clyde Tombaugh on February 18, 1930. Since the 1900s and the start of the industrial revolutions, humanity has been going through many makeovers. Each decade births new generations, and shifts in the collective vibrations further uncover the multi-facets of the human mind.

While we recognise our sentient capabilities, modernisation takes us far away from our true selves. Societies are shifting between spiritual awareness and superficiality exasperating self-image problems. We are constantly trying to improve the old, and that brings new sets of problems, to remedy.

At the time of Pluto’s discovery, it was in the cardinal water sign, Cancer. Cancer is represented by the Crab and is ruled by the moon (home, emotional security, creativity, intuition, and mother). This period brought great uncertainty, food and shelter were scarce during The Great Depression. Opposite Cancer is Capricorn, the ambitious sign represented by the mountain and sea-goat (structures, hard work, popularity, dominance and discipline). World War 1 demolished and displaced millions. After the war ended, people rebuilt and heading and factory work grew. Women’s right to vote was passed. The roaring 20s brought great social change including a new wave of creative arts (music, movies), Art Nouveau and Deco architecture, design and fashion.

From August 1938 to August 1957, Pluto was in the fixed fire sign Leo. Ruled by the Sun, Leo loves being the centre of attention and can be warm and charismatic like the sun. However, the lower realms of Pluto saw egoists rise through dictatorship ensuing World War 2. On the other side of Leo is Aquarius. Wars choked societies’ freedoms (Aquarius themes) and millions died (death is a Pluto theme). Aquarius energy helped reform and bring peace to an unsettled world.

From August 1957 to July 1972, Pluto entered the mutable earth sign, Virgo. It is ruled by Mercury, the messenger and communication. Virgo is loyal, organized, hardworking, analytical, and often self-effacing. The themes associated with Virgo are who are you serving and why? It is also your daily routines and health concerns. I find my service people here such as doctors, nurses, and alternative healing arts (healthy diets and foods). Women ditched their aprons and searched for new roles. The swinging sixties saw sexual liberation. Telephones and televisions (Communication channels) started to become household fixtures. Opposite Virgo is Pisces (transcendentalism, escapism),it took people into other realms through meditation and drugs.

From July 1972 to August 1984, Pluto enters the cardinal sign Libra. The sign of relationships, arts, harmony, and agreements brought a revolution in conventional domestic relationships. People redefined coupling and many opted to live in “sin”. The legality of living partners led to heated legal rights debates, and divorce rates rose. Opposite Libra, is Aries. Aries is the leader and is concerned with self. People found their independence liberating and expressed their identities through radical and audacious fashion, hairstyles, music, etc.

From August 1984 to November 1995, Pluto enters its official home sign Scorpio. This sign of psychology rules human needs from sexual intimacy, money, and power struggles. It is naturally suspicious and emotionally clever. The eighties found themselves in the AIDS crisis and many scandals. Humanity dealt with taboo topics with more openness.

From November 1995 to November 2008, Pluto moves into the mutable fire sign, Sagittarius. This optimistic adventurer seeks freedom and can be carefree in their endeavours. It also denotes matters outside of our soul-self such as religion, higher education, and foreign countries. Opposite, Sagittarius is the air sign Gemini, the iconoclast and information junkie. Cell phones became popular and spread information quickly. The collective revaluated and personalized divinity, religion, and spirituality. The culture shifted to self-belief and maybe conceit. We moved into a new century!

From November 2008 to January 2024, Pluto is in Capricorn. The cardinal earth sign is rugged ready to lead and eager to receive accolades for their efforts! Before the turn of 2010, I predicted governments and countries fall and sure enough, we have seen global restructuring. Opposite Capricorn is Cancer (home, mother, creativity). The global pandemic uploaded the world online, at rapid speeds. While locked down in our homes, we realized the balance between home and work was a vital missing part of their lives. Pluto will finally move out of Capricorn on January 22, 2024.

How to work with Pluto

Pluto does have a great superpower, it helps you face your fears and transform them into invaluable lessons. The epiphanies can reverberate through lifetimes and transcend the soul to new levels! When you use your fears to hold yourself and others back in righteous egotistic indignation, you become feared by others. Abuse of power is unsettling, and manipulation becomes the normalized strategy to control situations and people. These destructive behaviours will isolate you from love and real intimacy. Use Pluto’s divination to reset, reinstate your innate beauty and observe yourself before you judge others.


Aquarius is a fixed air sign. Similar to Pluto it has transformative abilities. Living in their thought bubbles far away from the collective consciousness, they are idealists dreaming up future wonderments! They prefer to lead and control the narrative. There can be a fine line between their genius keys and utter madness. The water bearer may seem aloof however, they temper their emotions in a controlled way, rarely allowing spillage. They bring awareness to flaws in traditional constructs and innovatively aim to improve and modernise. These free spirits produce their best when allowed to colour outside the lines. They only take commands from people who respect them and honour their space and innate intelligence. Opposite Aquarius is Leo, and it can be egocentric or a generous giver. There is a dichotomy and myriad of selfless acts and selfish doings.

Pluto in Aquarius

In my channelled audiobooks, Super lights 2, The Courageous Awakening, I had clear visions of the future showing changing weather patterns and advanced souls descending to Earth from 2019 to 2025. As they grow older, they will change the entire face of humanity from politics, law, education, agriculture, technology, science and so much more. As they reconstruct this world to their birth rights, Earth will be reshaped by their actions and generations to follow.

Feeling defeated or unable to master the new era and Pluto’s demands, there will be a mass exit of souls throughout the next decade. The cycle of rebirth is Pluto’s domain and a necessary step for evolution to continue.

While Pluto finishes its journey through Capricorn, we will see businesses shed their skins and new regulations written. However, Pluto in Aquarius takes new approaches to find social and economic stances for a more inclusive culture. People will search for communal nomadic lifestyles, foraging to be at peace with nature. But there is chaos before the calm and revolt before peace. These changes aren’t immediate but measured because Pluto moves slowly and leaves no stone unturned! Aquarius is a progressive global thinker. Pluto and Aquarius are serious entities.

The renaissance is upon us!

This is a time for personal growth and to release power/control over others or their hold on you. Pluto takes you to the depths of your despair and darkness, for the soul shuddering shifts, from self-victimisation to self-realization! That is the simplest explanation.

This is a time to bring your awareness inwards and let the world shake and shout. Protest and cry for help. The collective can’t heal until individuals heal and reconnect to their essence. Leaders with egos are useless at understanding their nation's needs, and you are here to know your purpose. Make friends with Pluto, understand what it is teaching you, and you will discover your greatness!

Find your Aquarius house cusp and use the below guide to help you navigate Pluto in Aquarius.

The Vibes

Pluto is the great transformer of our ill wills and liberates us from inferior thoughts and feelings. It replaces what it takes away. Fears can transmute into gifts of wisdom, maturity and strength. Hidden secrets will be revealed about yourself, others and global messes. Stay in your lane and you will make quicker shifts.

Back in 2016, I predicted death and financial turmoil in 2020. I’ve also said we will face financial difficulties from 2024 to 2028. My spidey senses still tingle and this feels true. You have a choice to feel like a victim or connect to the needs of the new era. If you understand your role and place in this lifetime, you will find an enterprise that is profitable and sustainable for your growth and positively impact the lives of others!

Technology being at our fingertips isn't new. However, AI (artificial intelligence) is rapidly taking over many aspects of our lives. Advancement in technology is peaking and creating many craters in human life. It is supposedly "bettering" our lives, OR is it making us illiterate? Who gets stuck spelling the simplest of words these days? Or is that just my menopausal brain? OpenAI and machine learning is giving established companies headaches. I’ve predicted one currency world and superpowers testing technological and biological warfare, trying to slip under the radar and avoid being scrutinized for instigating conflicts in the world. Will humanity learn to play nice or will ego maniacs rise to erase the masses?

In previous blogs, I predicted social media making rapid changes which included TikTok going down. Today's news announced governments in multiple countries including the USA, UK and New Zealand, banning the Tiktok app. Additionally, in the following decades, people will opt to live more nomadic lifestyles away from social media.

I signed up for a Canva create event airing on March 23, 2023.

I am amazed at all the above events. Here is why!

On March 23, 2023, Pluto moved into Aquarius. Aquarius is all about innovating (science, technology, and social concerns) existing platforms or creating new ideas and advancing humanity. Aquarius is the genius and the madman. Pluto replaces the old with the new including generations. The cycle of birth and death. Pluto is a very karmic planet. It reveals your fears and challenges you to transmute learnings into wisdom. Pluto is power, power over others, and empowerment, The final stage is when you take control over your mind and will. Pluto and Aquarius work together to disintegrate and integrate new ideas, thoughts, feelings and consciousness at a global scale. Astrology doesn't lie!

All things have good and bad points. Plastic was invented to wrap our lives up in neat packages. Now, we see catastrophic damages.

Sending Love,


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